Policies & Procedures Agreement

Academic Support Program at Holderness School

Updated September 2024

Please read this Policies and Procedures Agreement before completing the Holderness Academic Support registration form. By submitting the form, you are agreeing to be bound by and to abide by Knower Academics, LLC’s Policies and Procedures, as listed below.

  1. Academic Support Program (ASP) Supplied by Knower Academics, LLC: Session Work. For students at Holderness who enroll in the Quarterly Academic Support Program, Knower Academics, LLC shall provide weekly academic support sessions in some combination, to be determined based on the student’s academic needs, drawing from the following Core Support Areas: Subject Foundations, Subject Support, Executive Skill-Building, and Collegiate Skill Building. Students shall sign up for one of two plans: the Two-Session Package or the Four Session Package.
    a.) For students in the Two-Session Package, Knower Academics, LLC shall provide during the entire academic quarter: i.) Up to two (2) Instructional Support sessions per week; the session length will comport with the standard class duration as exists at HS; ii.) Access to eight (8) hours of Evening Study Group.
    b.) For students in the Four-Session Package, Knower Academics, LLC shall provide: i.) Up to four (4) Instructional Support sessions per week; the session length will comport with the standard class duration as exists at HS; ii.) Access to eight (8) hours of Evening Study Group.
  2. Fluctuation in Schedule. Each quarter will commence with a projected number and timing of sessions. Knower Academics, LLC will exert diligent best efforts to schedule and conduct the number of weekly sessions defined by each student’s Academic Support Package; however, it is understood that both weather and the unique culture of Holderness School create circumstances (sometimes spontaneously) that eliminate scheduled sessions. These circumstances are out of the control of Knower Academics, LLC and may include, but are not limited to, snow days, head’s holidays, schedule changes, athletic schedules, and the like. Knower Academics, LLC will make reasonable effort to “make up” these missed sessions by scheduling additional sessions, but Knower Academics, LLC is under no obligation to do so.
  3. Rescheduling or Canceling “Cut-Off” Time.  The cut-off time for rescheduling sessions is 3:00 PM EST. All instructional sessions cancelled or rescheduled after 3:00pm EST on the day before the scheduled session shall be considered fulfilled, and Knower Academics, LLC maintains no obligation to “make up” the session.
  4. Declined Sessions. It is understood that some students may, either deliberately or inadvertently, decline to schedule instructional sessions. Knower Academics, LLC shall make multiple efforts to reach out to Student to confirm and schedule a session; however, if no response is received within an agreed-upon timeframe, Knower Academics, LLC shall define the unconfirmed and/or unscheduled session a “Declined Session”, the session shall be considered fulfilled, and Knower Academics, LLC maintains no obligation to “make up” the session.
  5. Duration of Quarter. The number of weeks in any particular academic quarter shall be determined by the regular academic regime as conducted by Holderness School in its sole discretion; Knower Academics, LLC will comport itself with the daily/weekly schedule of Holderness School as fluidly as possible.
  6. Duration of Contract.  By registering for the Academic Support Program (ASP), the Client enters into a contract, committing their student to services for the duration of the one academic quarter. Registration shall automatically renew for each subsequent quarter throughout the remainder of the academic year, unless the Client opts out. To discontinue ASP services for any upcoming quarter, the Client must notify Knower Academics in writing prior to the opt-out/reduction deadline, which is approximately one month before the start of the next quarter.
  7. Virtual and In-Person Instruction. Knower Academics reserves the right to incorporate virtual instruction when necessary to ensure consistent scheduling or to pair the student with the best-fit instructor. We are committed to providing high-quality, effective instruction and will strive to create the best possible learning environment for each student. If virtual sessions are not optimal for the student, and no alternative instructor is available, the Client is under no obligation to continue ASP services beyond the current academic quarter.
  8. Payment. Parents/guardians must provide payment to Holderness School in order for the student’s enrollment in the Academic Support Program to be valid. Knower Academics, LLC shall not accept payment from parents for the Holderness Academic Support Program.
  9. Online Registration Form. Submitting the Knower Academics, LLC online registration form does not ensure enrollment in the Academic Support Program. Submitting the form is the first of two steps. For the second step, parents must also provide payment to Holderness School for the Academic Support Program. If the form is submitted and payment is not received by Holderness School, Knower Academics LLC is under no obligation to provide the Academic Support Program to the student.
  10. Schedule of Instructional Support Sessions. Instructional sessions shall be conducted according to a schedule to be mutually agreed upon between Instructor and Student in a manner that reflects the Academic Support Package chosen.
  11. Attendance in Evening Study Group. Students registered in Academic Support are encouraged to attend evening study group. Students are under no obligation to attend study group and may choose, at their own discretion, to schedule their Individual Support Sessions during study group.
  12. Additional Instruction. If student requires additional instruction, parent may register student for additional hourly support from Knower Academics, which is outside the scope of the Holderness Academic Support Program.
  13. Telephonic, Email and Online Support. Knower Academics will provide telephonic, email and online support for the Student upon request, within the reasonable bounds expected in the case of an instructor/student relationship.
  14. Duty to Supply Transportation. Under no circumstances does either Knower Academics, LLC or the Instructor undertake any duty to provide, arrange for, or provide, any transportation or transportation services to the Student.
  15. No Warranties Expressed/Implied. Knower Academics, LLC cannot and does not make any explicit or implied promises or warranties regarding the Student’s change in motivation, performance, capacities, or capabilities as a result of any instruction provided.  Each student progresses at a unique and uncharted pace and some students do not demonstrate any progress at all.  Any implied warranties of fitness or for any specific purpose are also hereby disclaimed.
  16. COVID-19 Release and Hold Harmless. Teachers and/or administrators at the student’s location may determine that an in-classroom learning/teaching experience may benefit the Student, at a time and under circumstances when, perhaps, only remote or virtual learning/teaching environments are deemed completely safe as regards the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In that case, at least one of the Student’s classroom instructors may be an individual supplied by Knower Academics, LLC. This Release is in consideration of the classroom experience being offered to the Student.

    Knower Academics, LLC, for its part, is committed to having its instructors and other employees using “best practices” for COVID-19 mitigation protocols that apply to in-classroom, physically proximate, learning/teaching environments. Parent(s), on behalf of the Student, acknowledge and accept the higher personal risk to the Student that the in-classroom learning/teaching environment presents and does/do release and hold harmless Knower Academics, LLC, and the individual Knower Academics, LLC instructor, from and against any COVID-19-related harm or injury that might befall Student as a result of exposure to COVID-19 via the Knower Academics, LLC instructor and/or other Knower Academics, LLC employees (directly or indirectly) supplied to the location in its classrooms and at the location more generally.
  17. Relaxation of Terms. No relaxation, indulgence, waiver or release by any party of any of the rights in terms of this agreement on any sole occasion shall prevent the subsequent enforcement of such rights and shall not be construed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of any of the terms.
  18. Duty to Report. Parent/Guardian or Student shall immediately report to Knower Academics, LLC any problem with the materials, any problem with any facility, any observed violation of this Agreement, or other potential problem arising from the delivery of the support specified.  This provision is intended to provide Knower Academics, LLC with adequate notice and a reasonable opportunity to identify and abate or remedy any deficiencies within its control.
  19. No Assignment. This Agreement is not assignable by either party.
  20. Joint and Several Responsibility. Each Parent, Guardian or Student executing this Agreement is deemed jointly and severally liable hereunder and is required to perform fully all obligations imposed on by this Agreement.
  21. Insurance. Neither Knower Academics, LLC nor Instructor retains any insurable interest in the Student or the Student’s effects, and thus cannot insure Student, from any loss occurring during or arising from the instructional sessions, whether from bodily injury or property damage of any kind whatsoever.  Students/Parents/Guardians are expected to maintain health and other proper insurance coverage against injuries and property losses or damages.
  22. Security not Promised. The parties hereby expressly acknowledge that the location of the sessions are not to be considered a secured facility which would subject the Instructor or Knower Academics, LLC to any higher degree of care.  The Instructor will take security measures that are, in the Instructor’s sole discretion, reasonable, appropriate, and adequate for the perceived level of problems, and commensurate with the character and types of security measures undertaken by the surrounding facilities.  Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed as creating any affirmative obligation on the part of the Instructor to undertake any particular or specific course of conduct or a guaranty of the safety of the Student.
  23. Whole Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with regard to the subject matter hereof and the parties waive the right to rely on any provision not specifically contained herein. Any previous agreements or promises, whether written or oral, are without effect. Any amendment to the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties.
  24. Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and the terms and provisions not so affected shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent either hereunder or as permitted by law.
  25. Notices. All notices hereunder shall be in writing and sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, (a) to the Student, Parent, or Guardian at the Student’s, Parent’s, or Guardian’s address set forth herein, and (b) to Knower Academics, LLC at PO Box 811, Plymouth, NH 03264, or (c) at such other address as any of the parties may have furnished to the other(s) as set forth herein.
  26. Governing Law & Submission to Jurisdiction. This Agreement is entered into, and thus shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with, the domestic laws of the State of New Hampshire without giving effect to any choice or conflict or law provision or rule (whether of the State of New Hampshire or any other jurisdiction) that would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of New Hampshire. Each of the Parties hereto voluntarily submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of any New Hampshire court or for all legal proceedings arising out of or relating to this Agreement.  The Parties irrevocably waive to the fullest extent permitted by law any objection which they may have to the laying of venue of any such proceeding brought in any court and any claim that any proceeding brought in such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum.
  27. Minors. If the Student is a minor (less than 18 years of age), then the Parent/Guardian is entering into this instructional contract on behalf of the Student and accepts and agrees to all the terms and conditions contained herein on behalf of the Student.  If the student is a minor then this agreement also incorporates by reference, herein in its entirety, all the provisions of the separate Consent and Acknowledgment Agreement executed by the Parent/Guardian on near or even date herewith.