There are a lot of diagnostic tests out there. It's relatively easy for any educator to create a diagnostic that includes a certain number of geometry problems, the same number of algebra problems, and then claim that a student is better at one than the other. Our BASE and PACE reports don't just tell students what they're "bad at." Our reports show students where they can shine and how to really read the secrets of the tests. Plus, you get a projected score and all those other typical diagnostic test features.
— Kayte Knower,
Co-Founder, Knower Academics,
Author of SAT & ACT Success and
KNOW the Test curricula
Become a better test taker
with our BASE & PACE analytics.
“Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes.”
– Carl Jung
Not just diagnostics – learning tools!
Having helped thousands of students worldwide to improve their SAT & ACT scores, we have learned that the most powerful tool for increasing scores is understanding the tests and understanding yourself as a test-taker. How do students respond to… the time pressure? The anxiety at the start that fades into fatigue? The weird question formats? The strange mix of seemly simple questions tossed in with some that seem almost unreadable?
Knower’s BASE and PACE exams are special, because we analyze all of the student data from the perspective of strategy and technique – not just content. We designed our diagnostics to show student how their decision making during the test results in certain outcomes, and to show our instructors how to fine tune their approach and curriculum to maximize effectiveness.
KNOW the Test SAT/ACT Mock exams help students:
- compare the SAT vs the ACT
- gain experience with the timed test environment
- learn about the format of the exams
- reflect upon their strategic decision making during the test
- understand how the SAT & ACT are scored
Available as a stand alone product or integrated with one of our other test prep offerings.
KNOW the Test: Mock Exams
These mock exams are as close as you can get to taking a real SAT or ACT
without going to an actual test center.
Baseline Assessment
Pre-test available for both SAT and ACT; in full length,
or in an abridged versions comparable to a PSAT or Aspire
Designed as a precursor to test prep, students will experience the format of the test, complete with times sections and all the unique question types and formats unique to the SAT and ACT. After the test, scan your results or share your bubble sheets with your instructor to get your projected score and consider SAT & ACT composite data to determine a test of focus.
SAT & ACT P.A.C.E. Exams
Progress Assessment and Curated Exercises
Mid-test available for both SAT and ACT; full length only
Designed as a midway assessment to determine the effectiveness of study and to fine tune tactics and areas of focus moving forward, the PACE test provides an updated projected score and returns students to the times test environment to see how well they can apply what they’ve learned thus far from their instruction. The projected score and test results are a great check in to determine future steps and help your college counselor get a read on likely outcomes to inform your college list.
BASE & PACE Analytics
Diagnostic Score Reports
Designed to increase the effectiveness of ongoing study
Students who complete our BASE or PACE exams can also purchase a detailed diagnostic score report that provides insight into the student’s use of test-taking strategy during the exam and targets areas of focus for additional coaching.
Our detailed BASE & PACE reports analyze student results according to a variety of specific metrics that pinpoint strengths, weaknesses, strategic decision making, and confidence. As students review their detailed diagnostic results, they will see graphs and suggestions that encourage them to reflect on the decisions they made during the exam. The report is designed to be a learning tool that helps students draw connections between their decisions on the test and the score they received. They will also see which question formats and content areas are strengths which they should focus on demonstrating during the exam, and which content areas are weaknesses that deserve targeted attention in their studies.
Continuing Exercises
Curated lists of practice problems in areas selected by the instructor to build content and skills
Available with our PACE report, this is a self-study option for motivated students, or a valuable asset to improve the effectiveness of one-to-one coaching.
KNOW Your Mind™
Perfect your mental game.
Sports psychology meets exam prep in this exciting new offering from Knower Academics and our partnering Align specialists.
Contact us to schedule a consultation ▸
The KNOW Your Test™ Approach
to ACT®, SAT® and PSAT®
Not every student needs ultra-rigorous test prep, but every student deserves to understand the nuances of the test, and to go into the exam armed with a plan of action.
Learn more about our strategic approach & right-sized methodology ▸